
advice DomainKing’s 2-Minute Guide to Domain Name Valuations

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Domains are taking their rightful place in the Internet ecosystem as we speak. It took a long damn time! Around 35 years and we’re still a ways away from the price but boy are we getting close!!
I have said this for many many years, decades in fact. We are the land barons of the 21st-century. If you did your job well, we hold the most valuable real estate ever known to mankind. The only thing between the potential valuation and today’s valuation is time. We all have to be sensitive to time however being sensitive to time does not mean giving away unique assets for lowball price is...
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Trailblazing, sharp shooter sharing his depth of mind and outlier experiences.

Always grateful to have immersion with his works.
Thanks for sharing. We are the land barons of the 21st-century well said.
From the article:

"Domains are taking their rightful place in the Internet ecosystem as we speak. It took a long damn time! Around 35 years and we’re still a ways away from the price but boy are we getting close!!"

I fully agree...the shirt off my back would have been lost long ago as I would have bet that domains would have achieved their full relevance by now.

It never occurred to me we would have to battle with the big ad agencies for so many years. But slowly, intelligence is creeping into the brains of business owners/CEO's and they are listening to their tech savvy underlings...having a domain name that is relevant to a company and/or its products/services is an investment that pays off over and over. Ad costs can be slashed with just one smart domain purchase.
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