
Forum features you like/dislike?

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Mug RuithTop Member
What features of Namepros do you particularly like or dislike? This isn't a rant thread just interested to know other Namepros' opinions. Sincerely appreciate all the hard work from the mod team. One of the best forums on the internet imo.

I particularly like
  1. Top of page/bottom of page button
  2. Works very well on phone
  3. Able to code in BB editor
  4. Thread statistics is interesting
  5. New posts in sidebar cool feature
I particularly dislike
  1. No chat archive
  2. Can't add Giphy gifs in menu
  3. Getting auto thread emails -- very annoying
  4. Only 15 minutes to edit after creating a post
  5. Green light in chat -- it should be on all week imo (who agrees? @Daniel Owens @Future Sensors @Samer @Reddstagg @Corey @Samer @jmcc @jhm @Beezy @MasterOfMyDomains @cyc @harshgupta @noneisnone @biggie @forge let's start a movement #FREECHAT)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Thanks for your candid feedback.

Getting auto thread emails -- very annoying
You may disable that under settings.

We have solutions coming for the rest.

Stay tuned!
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.