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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Well, she is another democrat nutjob for sure.
Massachusetts seems to always turn out nutjobs.
Yeah verily, I would include Romney in that group as he had some doozies in his day there.

But if you outsource to Indonesia, they won't create your post either.

Bottom line is, there is not creator in our world, according to wh nutjob who supports terrorists.

Oh, the sarah silverman?
Geesh, like who would want to even let that skank touch one?
It is not Democrats vs. Republicans.

It is the People vs. the Government!
Public Sector VS the Private Sector.
The Hardworking people giving to the not so hardworking who believe their entitled to everything the Government has to offer.

True Story; I had my 2 nieces over for dinner nights ago, one of them has a job at the State Dept. organizing conventions, parties, blowing millions of our tax dollars, I told her as happy as I am for her with her job, I'm for smaller Government, less spending and fiscal responsibility, I said Government does not produce wealth, they only CONSUME it, from people like me in the private sector, Her response to that was; "That's not true because I pay taxes, so the Government get's money from me. LOL

I kid you NOT.

So instead of earning $20 an hour from the Government, she's earning $13 after taxes, Not including her lifetime health care plan and Pension plan the Private sector is on the hook for... And she's doing what again? Oh yeah, Organizing PARTIES.

Of course I didn't say this to her, it's what was going on in my head at the time.

And I almost died when she said she got to meet Obama, She was so proud of meeting the Man who's committing generational theft.. When She has Children and their faced with a debt of $60,000 each, I'd like to see how proud they are of Mommy meeting Obama then.

Obama blames Bush and Bain Capital

And Romney, And the weather, and the turmoil in the Middle East, AND And and.. Blaming everything and everyone but himself.. Narcissists have inflated ego's, Taking responsibility is just not in there makeup.

Here we have a man who had less business experience than a 7 old girl running a lemonade stand, criticizing a successful businessman.

America GOT exactly what they voted for when they voted for Barack Obama; They got "Hope and Change" Obama never once said exactly what that change was, Voter ASSUMED it was a change for the better, but instead they got Higher Taxes, Higher Debt, Higher Gas prices, Higher unemployment, All as a result of having ZERO business experience.

Everything Obama has done since taking office has been ideology driven, EVERYTHING.
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America GOT exactly what they voted for when they voted for Barack Obama; They got "Hope and Change" Obama never once said exactly what that change was, Voter ASSUMED it was a change for the better, but instead they got Higher Taxes, Higher Debt, Higher Gas prices, Higher unemployment, All as a result of having ZERO business experience.

Everything Obama has done since taking office has been ideology driven, EVERYTHING.

We also got what we voted for when we got GW Bush (well the popular vote didn't vote for him, damn electoral votes :( )
And what we got was an Idiot Puppet President controlled by Cheney, Halliburton and others and got us into 2 wars, one for sure we should not have ever been in.

The last 11 years has been the lost decade (plus 1 year)

Mission Accomplished :lol:
I kid you NOT.

So instead of earning $20 an hour from the Government, she's earning $13 after taxes, Not including her lifetime health care plan and Pension plan the Private sector is on the hook for... And she's doing what again? Oh yeah, Organizing PARTIES.
Next time she organizes a PARTY she might want to play this pretty cool RAP song about "Hope & Change"

[ame=""]How's That Hope & Change Workin' Out For You? | Barack Obama (ft. Ronald Reagan) - YouTube[/ame]
I get the sense that some of you are not too damn happy with the campaigner-in-chief.
Or our government in general.
Less happy with the Sheeple.

I find is amusing that we can on one hand laud those in history for coming up with a system that included necessary checks and balances.... and then blame everything on a President (whether it be Bush or Obama).

I find is more amusing that people don't understand the 7% rule and basic exponential math.

I find a lot amusing.

The majority of blame should always be on Congress.
The president and his administration just happen to be in front.

Just like in a Rock band, if you are the front man and you want most of the credit for when things are good you will also get most of the blame when things are bad.

---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

I get the sense that some of you are not too damn happy with -
our government in general.

That one :)
We also got what we voted for when we got GW Bush (well the popular vote didn't vote for him, damn electoral votes :( )
And what we got was an Idiot Puppet President controlled by Cheney, Halliburton and others and got us into 2 wars, one for sure we should not have ever been in.

The last 11 years has been the lost decade (plus 1 year)

Mission Accomplished :lol:

Your typical liberal response.. Detract, Detract, Detract, I'd be happy to discuss GW or all the other wars Democrats have gotten us into, Vietnam in particular but my post went to Obama, not to Bush.. Thanks
Your typical liberal response.. Detract, Detract, Detract, I'd be happy to discuss GW or all the other wars Democrats have gotten us into, Vietnam in particular but my post went to Obama, not to Bush.. Thanks

I could easily say your response is a typical conservative response.
I'm not a Bush fan or a Obama fan by any means.
I dont consider myself a liberal but I do have some liberal beliefs just like I have a lot of conservative beliefs.
If you are always going to be a hardliner and stay strictly with your party (live by the party, die by the party) you will most likely be wrong 50% of the time.

That's so true. Teachers, policemen, firemen, trash collectors, road workers, are all overpaid lazy sons of bitches (directly or indirectly paid - it's all MY money). Not to mention those military goons who get free education and food and expect favorable treatment when they get back.

Taking what I wrote out of context only makes you look desperate. I never said they are "Lazy", that's your word not mine, I wrote they don't work nearly as hard and I'm convinced that's true for the great MAJORITY, NOT including our Military which I have NO problem giving entitlements to, they actually deserve more in my opinion.

YES, I'd like to see Teachers, the trash collectors and construction workers ALL privatized, they would do a FAR better job, and cost us the tax payer far less, the same applies to the postal service. As for Fire Police, Do you know how many cities are paying for 3 Police Departments, 3 Fire Departments? And by that I mean PENSIONS, This is where a lot of our $787 BILLION Dollars in job stimulus went to, States shoring up their pension funds.

Why do you think public sector unions have been pushing hard for YES, ANOTHER Stimulus?

The system is broken BECAUSE of PRIVATE BUSINESS. Corporatism IS THE PROBLEM. Fix the corrupt govt is what is needed. Removing what little it does to hold the goons at bay? I have no idea who thinks that will work.

Yep, Apple is the problem, Microsoft is the problem, Procter and Gamble who makes my toothpaste is the problem, those greedy greedy corporations who produce and invest in our economy, THEY are the problem and NOT the Government who takes and takes and takes, producing NOTHING but DEBT.
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They are NOT on the government dole!
This I know because I am a retired POSTMASTER!

In fact, the USPS is the ONLY agency that has to pay for the retirement costs of all military retired who go to work for the USPS!
Talk about shifting bucks from the DOD....

Plus the ONLY agency that has to prefund it's pension account and health account.

So leave the USPS out of your diatribes.

Now for some good news....
Thanks to everything being messed up?
I can get a vehicle loan for .90%.
Those dealer deals on 0%?
You will pay for purchasing, whether you know it or not.

---------- Post added at 12:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

Not to get excited here or anything....
but I do notice that once again someone is not doing their job here in thanking each post.
I could easily say your response is a typical conservative response.

You can say that if you want, I'm proudly a conservative. :)

And where did you get the idea I'm a hardliner? Unlike Democrats who stand by their guy no matter how incompetent he is, I'm not one of those people.. I called GW out on a lot I disagreed with, TARP and bailing out the auto industry in particular.. NOT one of my favorite Presidents by any means.
NOT including our Military which I have NO problem giving entitlements to, they actually deserve more in my opinion.

That one we agree on.
I would like to see our Military doubled and pay raises for all servicemen.
I would like to see many of our armed forces brought home and guard our shores and not others.

As far as privatizing all schools I dont think that is very smart at all.
We have public as well as privet schools and that's good.
If you privatize all schools then you run the risk of foreign companies owning all of our schools and teaching what they want just like we now have foreign companies owning our media and that is not good.

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

And where did you get the idea I'm a hardliner?

I dont know, maybe from all of your post, your hate for all liberals, your signature.
They are NOT on the government dole!
This I know because I am a retired POSTMASTER

Correct, my inclusion of USPS was merely to point out the public sector can do a far better job, UPS, Fedex and DHL are testament to that. And I'm not knocking USPS employees by any means so do be upset with me. :)
He who governs least governs best.

If only our government would take that to heart!
Bankers are not evil,
just freaking greedy!
Like every politician.
I dont know, maybe from all of your post, your hate for all liberals, your signature.

Even if this were true which it's not, I fail to see the relation in referring to me as a hard liner...

I don't "hate" I actually pity liberals and progressives.. The public sector is collapsing before our very eyes and while it's collapsing they want to grow it, grow it by taxing the rich....

Did you know if you were to increase taxes on the wealthy as Obama wants to do, that it would generate $700 Billion dollars over the next 10 years? Do you know how fast the Federal Government spends $700 Billion dollars? GUESS.
Did you know if you were to increase taxes on the wealthy as Obama wants to do, that it would generate $700 Billion dollars over the next 10 years? Do you know how fast the Federal Government spends $700 Billion dollars? GUESS.

That's no reason not to raise taxes on the filthy rich.

The rich should always pay more.
The middle class should pay less.
The poor should pay none.
The government needs to cut wasteful spending.
But NOT cut spending on Schools, teachers, military, police, fire ect.
Affordable health care must be available for everyone somehow.

It's all very simple.
Not easy but simple.


---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

Not to get excited here or anything....
but I do notice that once again someone is not doing their job here in thanking each post.

Better? :)
535 members of Congress have been asked for full disclosure of their tax returns, but only 17 have complied.

Among those who refused are Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Harry Reid – both of which have heavily criticized Romney for his limited transparency.
The rich should always pay more.

They do

The middle class should pay less.

They are.

The poor should pay none.

They don't.

The government needs to cut wasteful spending. But NOT cut spending on Schools, teachers, military, police, fire ect.

Let's try to separate Federal from State so as not to confuse the two.

We agree on the Military,.. Teachers, Police and Fire, all are overpaid, not so much in the paycheck they receive but rather in Health Care and Retirement benefits. And the protection they receive for their unions is unprecedented, When a child is molested by a Teacher in School and found guilty of doing so, we CAN'T FIRE them, Nope, we need to pay them off instead.

"Affordable health care must be available for everyone somehow"

Agreed, however Government taking control of the health care system is not the answer.. We could have insured the uninsured, not passed Obamacare and saved hundreds of billions by doing so.

The main reason for ObamaCare is NOT to provide everyone with Healthcare but rather to TAX. Tax the middle class, who you say should pay LESS.
The wealthy do not pay more taxes (rate wise) then the middle class.

The rich have loopholes on top of loopholes, attorneys and accountants to find these loopholes. Monies in offshore accounts and shelters to Avoid higher taxes.

The wealthy have advantages over the middle class.

If a millionaire pays a 15% in taxes on $100 million and pays $15 million in taxes and the middle class person pays 35% taxes on $100k and pays $35k in taxes then some people would see that as the millionaire paying more in taxes.

They would be dead wrong.

As far as Obama care, the one real thing I truly appose is the tax/penalty or whatever they want to call it as Wrong.
Everything else in the bill is ok with me.
But nobody should ever be forced to buy something they dont want.
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